The Sauvie Island Community Association is run by volunteers and funded by sponsorships and donations. View a full list of our sponsors here. Become a sponsor today

Minoggie Kennels All breed boarding and obedience/retriever training.
ZenBusiness Start and Grow Your Side Hustle or Dream Business
West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation Dist Helping residents improve water quality, soil health, and wildlife habitat.
Spruce Up NW Local experts in roofing and exterior maintenance for Sauvie Island
Sauvie Island Community Church We are a non-denominational Christian community church.
Pipsqueak Nursery Small orchard and nursery specializing in heirloom apple varieties.
WisnerCreative WisnerCreative design studio creates graphics, books, and gardens.
Sauvie Island Farms "Pick Your Own" berries, peaches, veggies, flowers and Christmas trees.

Charlton Kennels and Farm

We are a Family owned business founded in 1967. Our kennels are spacious-indoor/outdoor runs, completely covered and with radiant heat in most. We offer all breed boarding, obedience training, bathing and light grooming, extra play or potty walk time on or off leash on our beautiful farm. We also offer pet massage and frozen peanut butter Kong treats. Best of all—we have a kind and caring staff. We encourage you to come and tour our facility any time during business hours. Reservations and proof of vaccinations required.

Business Hours: 9am to 6pm every day, except major holidays
Business Phone: 503-621-3675
Business Website:
Business Address: 13825 NW Charlton Rd, Portland, Oregon 97231

Charlton Farm logo