Wildlife found on the island as listed in the “Sauvie Island Wildlife Area Management Plan.“
Birds are the most dominant species and there is a separate page on the site. Find bird watching information here. Download the pdf bird list here.
Mammals *denotes non-native species
- Virginia Opossum*
- Vagrant Shrew
- Pacific Shrew
- Pacific Water Shrew
- Trowbridge’s Shrew
- Shrew Mole
- Townsend’s Mole
- Little Brown Myotis
- Yuma Myotis
- Long Eared Myotis
- Fringed Myotis
- Long Legged Myotis
- California Myotis
- Silver Haired Bat
- Big Brown Bat
- Hoary Bat
- Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat
- Pallid Bat
- Brush Rabbit
- Black-tailed Jack Rabbit
- Townsend’s Chipmunk
- California Ground Squirrel
- Eastern Fox Squirrel* Eastern Gray Squirrel
- Western Gray Squirrel
- Pacific Jumping Mouse
- Douglas’ Squirrel
- Camas Pocket Gopher
- American Beaver
- Deer Mouse
- Dusky-Footed Woodrat
- Bushy-Tailed Woodrat
- Gray-Tailed Vole
- Townsend’s Vole
- Creeping Vole
- Muskrat
- Porcupine
- Nutria*
- Coyote
- Red Fox
- Gray Fox
- Raccoon
- Long-tailed Weasel
- Mink
- Short-tailed Weasel
- Western Spotted Skunk
- Striped Skunk
- River Otter
- Elk
- Black-tailed Deer
Amphibians and Reptiles *denotes non-native species
- Northwestern Salamander
- Long-toed Salamander
- Ensatina
- Dunn’s Salamander
- Western Red-backed Salamander
- Roughskin Newt
- Western Toad
- Pacific Treefrog
- Red-legged Frog (Information on Linnton Frogs “Frog Taxi”)
- Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog
- Bullfrog*
- Spotted Frog
- Western Painted Turtle
- Northwestern Pond Turtle
- Northern Alligator Lizard
- Southern Alligator Lizard
- Western Fence Lizard
- Western Skink
- Rubber Boa
- Racer
- Sharptail Snake
- Ringneck Snake
- Gopher Snake
- W. Terrestrial Garter Snake
- Northwestern Garter Snake
- Common Garter Snake
Fish *denotes non-native species
- Pacific Lamprey
- Coho Salmon
- Chinook Salmon
- Sockeye Salmon
- Chum Salmon
- Steelhead
- Cutthroat trout
- Black Crappie*
- White Crappie*
- Bluegill*
- Largemouth Bass*
- Warmmouth Bass*
- Pumpkinseed*
- Dace
- Bridgelip Sucker
- Longnose Sucker
- Largescale Sucker
- Oriental Weatherfish*
- American Shad*
- Mosquitofish*
- Redside Shiner
- Sculpin
- Northern Pikeminnow
- Common Carp*
- Yellow Bullhead*
- Brown Bullhead*