The Sauvie Island Community Association is run by volunteers and funded by sponsorships and donations. View a full list of our sponsors here. Become a sponsor today

Pipsqueak Nursery Small orchard and nursery specializing in heirloom apple varieties.
Sauvie Island Farms "Pick Your Own" berries, peaches, veggies, flowers and Christmas trees.
WisnerCreative WisnerCreative design studio creates graphics, books, and gardens.
ZenBusiness Start and Grow Your Side Hustle or Dream Business
Sauvie Island Community Church We are a non-denominational Christian community church.
Spruce Up NW Local experts in roofing and exterior maintenance for Sauvie Island
West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation Dist Helping residents improve water quality, soil health, and wildlife habitat.


Wildlife found on the island as listed in the “Sauvie Island Wildlife Area Management Plan.


Birds are the most dominant species and there is a separate page on the site. Find bird watching information here. Download the pdf bird list here.

Mammals *denotes non-native species

  • Virginia Opossum*
  • Vagrant Shrew
  • Pacific Shrew
  • Pacific Water Shrew
  • Trowbridge’s Shrew
  • Shrew Mole
  • Townsend’s Mole
  • Little Brown Myotis
  • Yuma Myotis
  • Long Eared Myotis
  • Fringed Myotis
  • Long Legged Myotis
  • California Myotis
  • Silver Haired Bat
  • Big Brown Bat
  • Hoary Bat
  • Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat
  • Pallid Bat
  • Brush Rabbit
  • Black-tailed Jack Rabbit
  • Townsend’s Chipmunk
  • California Ground Squirrel
  • Eastern Fox Squirrel* Eastern Gray Squirrel
  • Western Gray Squirrel
  • Pacific Jumping Mouse
  • Douglas’ Squirrel
  • Camas Pocket Gopher
  • American Beaver
  • Deer Mouse
  • Dusky-Footed Woodrat
  • Bushy-Tailed Woodrat
  • Gray-Tailed Vole
  • Townsend’s Vole
  • Creeping Vole
  • Muskrat
  • Porcupine
  • Nutria*
  • Coyote
  • Red Fox
  • Gray Fox
  • Raccoon
  • Long-tailed Weasel
  • Mink
  • Short-tailed Weasel
  • Western Spotted Skunk
  • Striped Skunk
  • River Otter
  • Elk
  • Black-tailed Deer

Amphibians and Reptiles *denotes non-native species

  • Northwestern Salamander
  • Long-toed Salamander
  • Ensatina
  • Dunn’s Salamander
  • Western Red-backed Salamander
  • Roughskin Newt
  • Western Toad
  • Pacific Treefrog
  • Red-legged Frog (Information on Linnton Frogs “Frog Taxi”)
  • Foothill Yellow-Legged Frog
  • Bullfrog*
  • Spotted Frog
  • Western Painted Turtle
  • Northwestern Pond Turtle
  • Northern Alligator Lizard
  • Southern Alligator Lizard
  • Western Fence Lizard
  • Western Skink
  • Rubber Boa
  • Racer
  • Sharptail Snake
  • Ringneck Snake
  • Gopher Snake
  • W. Terrestrial Garter Snake
  • Northwestern Garter Snake
  • Common Garter Snake

Fish *denotes non-native species

  • Pacific Lamprey
  • Coho Salmon
  • Chinook Salmon
  • Sockeye Salmon
  • Chum Salmon
  • Steelhead
  • Cutthroat trout
  • Black Crappie*
  • White Crappie*
  • Bluegill*
  • Largemouth Bass*
  • Warmmouth Bass*
  • Pumpkinseed*
  • Dace
  • Bridgelip Sucker
  • Longnose Sucker
  • Largescale Sucker
  • Oriental Weatherfish*
  • American Shad*
  • Mosquitofish*
  • Redside Shiner
  • Sculpin
  • Northern Pikeminnow
  • Common Carp*
  • Yellow Bullhead*
  • Brown Bullhead*