The Sauvie Island Community Association is run by volunteers and funded by sponsorships and donations. View a full list of our sponsors here. Become a sponsor today

West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation Dist Helping residents improve water quality, soil health, and wildlife habitat.
Minoggie Kennels All breed boarding and obedience/retriever training.
Spruce Up NW Local experts in roofing and exterior maintenance for Sauvie Island
Sauvie Island Community Church We are a non-denominational Christian community church.
Sauvie Island Farms "Pick Your Own" berries, peaches, veggies, flowers and Christmas trees.
WisnerCreative WisnerCreative design studio creates graphics, books, and gardens.
Pipsqueak Nursery Small orchard and nursery specializing in heirloom apple varieties.
ZenBusiness Start and Grow Your Side Hustle or Dream Business


Bicycles are allowed on all roads and areas open to motor vehicles; however, they are not allowed on Oak Island.

  • The most popular ride is the 12-mile loop around the lower end of the island comprised of Sauvie Island Road, Reeder Road, and Gillihan Road. There is a large tourist information map on the parking lot premises at the foot of the island bridge.

Special riding/driving considerations of the island:

  • This is an agricultural zone, which can pose the following safety concerns:
    • slow-moving farm equipment is on the road
    • tall crops alongside the road can present challenging biking and driving conditions.
  • The island roads have neither shoulders nor a biking path; consequently bikers have to share the road with vehicles. As the paved roads are only two-lane, it is suggested that bikers ride single file to allow room for cars to pass by safely without entering into oncoming lanes.
  • The first 1.5 miles of Sauvie Island Rd is a dike road; bikers take extreme caution here; as drop off on both sides of the road can be extremely steep.
  • At three intersections on the island one street requires traffic to STOP and the intersecting traffic is not required to stop. These are:
    • Where Reeder Rd intersects with Sauvie island Road;  Reeder Road traffic must stop while Sauvie Island Road traffic does not.
    • Where Reeder Rd intersects with Gillihan Road; Reeder Road traffic must stop while Gillihan Road traffic does not.
    • Where Gillihan Road intersects with Sauvie Island Road (northbound @ turnaround by bridge).  Gillihan Road traffic must stop while Sauvie Island Road traffic does not.
  • Remember, these considerations are especially important as the island is now experiencing over 1.5 million visitors per year.