The Sauvie Island Community Association is run by volunteers and funded by sponsorships and donations. View a full list of our sponsors here. Become a sponsor today

ZenBusiness Start and Grow Your Side Hustle or Dream Business
West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation Dist Helping residents improve water quality, soil health, and wildlife habitat.
Sauvie Island Community Church We are a non-denominational Christian community church.
WisnerCreative WisnerCreative design studio creates graphics, books, and gardens.
Sauvie Island Farms "Pick Your Own" berries, peaches, veggies, flowers and Christmas trees.
Pipsqueak Nursery Small orchard and nursery specializing in heirloom apple varieties.
Minoggie Kennels All breed boarding and obedience/retriever training.
Spruce Up NW Local experts in roofing and exterior maintenance for Sauvie Island

SICA 2015 Board Nominee Bios

Kathryn Hathaway: new nominee

I have lived on the island since 1991 on the Merrybell site. I am one of the people behind the website updates for SICA, and have been attending board meetings over the past year to ask for current content or corrections for the website. I also volunteer on the communications committee. My life has been enriched here on the island by my love of birds and native plants and the people I have met through SICA meetings and events.

Hannah Treuhaft: new nominee

My background in arts and civic participation give me a unique perspective on taking all voices and visions into account when acting on behalf of the community. As a five-year island resident (so, “new”) I feel as if I’m still learning what it means to participate here and am interested in deepening our ties to one another. I value connection and community above almost all else, and look forward to teaching my two young children about these values in part through the relationships we build on Sauvie Island.

Sandra Kruger: up for re-election

Sandra Kruger was born and raised in Oregon. She spent her youth backpacking, river rafting and camping with her family throughout the state. They were members of the Oregon Archeological Society and participated in several Native American digs on Sauvie Island. She attended the University of Chicago in the early 80?s and received a degree in behavioral science. She moved back home to Oregon in 1994, landed a job at the Oregon Historical Society and was in charge of planning the Wintering In Harvest Festival at Bybee Howell. She worked hard to involve the island in the fair, which Kruger’s Farm took over when OHS decided they could no longer be involved. Sandra and her husband, Don, own and operate Kruger’s Farm on the island. It is a working farm of 150 acres (75 owned, 75 leased) – where they grow berries, pumpkins, squash, zucchini, lettuce, peppers, beans, flowers, etc. – almost all which are sold through the farm stand directly to the public. As a land-owner and farmer who is working to make a living from her land, she brings a vital perspective to the Association. Sandra has worked in professional roles at the Oregon Historical Society and Multnomah County Library. She brings many skills to the table. She is a leader, has a great sense of humor, is able to transcend her own viewpoint and offer creative and innovative solutions to issues. She is specifically interested in working to continue to expand the Sauvie Island Community Association’s membership to include representation from more of the island community. She has two children, who are 15 & 12 and attend Skyline Elementary and Lincoln High School.