2019 Officers and Board of Directors
- President – John Houle
- Vice-President – Michael Rubenstein
- Treasurer – Ellen Prouty
- Secretary – Sue Peterson
- Board members at large
- Megan Tedeshchi
- Kari Egger
- Kathryn Hathaway
SICA members may attend board meetings, which are held the first Tuesday of each month, but please follow the attendance policy below.
Standing Committees
- Land Use and Transportation Committee – John Houle, Kari Egger, Mark Greenfield
- Communications and Outreach Committee; Chairperson – Kathryn Hathaway, Michael Rubenstein
- Business-Farming, Church, Drainage; Chairperson – Kari Egger, Megan Tedeshchi
- Emergency Planning and Fire; Chairperson – Michael Rubenstein
For a description of the committees, see the Bylaws, Article VII.
SICA Involvement in Land Use Complaints:
SICA may inquire or comment on proposed land use applications or potential land use infractions with local government or agency authorities if the proposed land use or the potential infraction:
- Has a negative environmental impact on Sauvie Island
- Poses an immediate safety risk to Sauvie Island residents
- Inhibits the public from utilizing public open spaces
- Conflicts with adopted land use planning policies, zoning requirements, or case law
- Would create a significant change to, or significantly increase the cost of, accepted farm practices on a commercial farm zoned EFU, or would violate an approval condition imposed to prevent such a significant impact. Stop the Dump Coalition v. Yamhill County, 364 Or 432, 435 P3d 698 (2109).
- Violates an approval condition to a land use permit
If SICA is notified of an informal complaint (meaning no formal complaint has been filed with the County) regarding a land use infraction, the Association will encourage the complainant to first file a formal land use complaint; however, this will not be a requirement for SICA to comment or inquire on the potential infraction. Association Board members maintain the discretion to determine if the complaint meets any of the above criteria. SICA will abstain from comment or inquiry on land use complaints if none of the above criteria are met.
Members in Attendance at Board of Director Meetings
Members of SICA may attend Board of Directors meetings, which are usually held at 5:00 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. Anyone attending must:
- Be an active member in good standing.
- Notify the Board of his/her intention to attend the meeting at least 48 hours prior to the meeting by using the “contact us” page on this website. A reply will be sent with information about the location of that month’s meeting.
- Non-Board members attending meetings of the Board of Director shall not participate in discussions during the meetings without first being invited by the Board President.
Adopted May 17, 2012
Anonymous Communication Policy
The Sauvie Island Community Association declares that any anonymous written communication concerning any Island resident or business is hereby condemned and unworthy of consideration by this Association and its members.
Adopted April 2010
Public Comment Policy
SICA will provide for public comment at each of its regular member meetings. The public comment period will occur at the end of the regular meeting. The Board will listen to public comments and may ask questions for clarification, but will not engage in discussion or debate.
- Persons wishing to comment must be in attendance at the meeting and shall:
- Sign in and state the topic you will comment on;
- Speak only when recognized by the President of the Board or the person conducting the meeting.
- The public comment section of the agenda is reserved for non-agenda subjects.
- When called by the President, each speaker will:
- Rise, state your name;
- Make your comment;
- Be courteous in your language and presentation
- There is an absolute prohibition on personal attacks on Board members or others. Comments considered profane, frivolous, harassing and/or repetitive are not appropriate for comment.
- The President of the Board or the presiding officer has the right to exclude such comments at his/her discretion, prohibit further comment for any speaker who violates the rules, and, if necessary, call for that person’s removal from the meeting.
- The maximum number of speakers on the same subject is three.
- Each speaker will have up to three minutes to make his/her comments.
- Speakers will be courteous in their language and presentation.
- Speakers will not discuss the following items:
- Candidacy of any person seeking office;
- Matters in current or anticipated litigation;
- Matters which are made confidential by law.
- The President shall prohibit audience demonstrations, spontaneous verbal interjections, or other disruptive actions that affect the orderly conduct of the meeting.
- After each speaker has made a comment, he/she will be seated with no further debate, dialogue, or comment.
Adopted May 17, 2012
Bylaws of the
This link downloads or opens a pdf file of the bylaws amended in 2014.